wtorek, 24 lipca 2012

A real Directioner...

It was only a coincidence, but a funny one! OUR GRANDMA IS A GREATER DIRECTIONER THAN US!
We talked with her (about the boys) for hours! Her favourite lad is Harry ;) So we asked her, if she wanted some of Harry's gravy, but she only said, that she wouldn't know, where to put it :D
She said that Liam was a wild one :D And she told us one of her dirty little secrets: She loves Harry's four nipples. We found out , that her breasts are so big, because there are not two, but 4 breasts hiding behint her bra :D

czwartek, 12 lipca 2012

Do you know the feeling, when...

... a little detail in your life changes, really nothing major, and it turns out to be a huge change(-over)?
That moment when you are afraid of losing someone so much that in the end you only drift apart?  When you're always waiting for that call to make you feel better,to let it all out, to talk things out, but as soon as you pick up the phone you have nothing more left to say? That a certain point you're hiding behint your words? And there's nothing more you can do about? You know, there are things that are always there, which are there to show us, that we have the chance to start all over again. Like the rising sun, which anounces a new day, letting the night behint, giving new hope. Anouncing a new start. But  the world likes to turn things upside-down, to turn things counter clockwise, doesn't it?

Something random: Do you know 'Vintage Trouble'? If you don't you should look them up, you won't regret it.

♪♫ Hold a hand. Cry on a shoulder.
Listen in the wind and open up your eyes.
And feel again.
Feel again. ♪♫

Here's a picture that always makes me crack up  (I've laughed propably more than I should have :D)

Regards from Germany