czwartek, 18 października 2012

Oh, Poland :D

So I was watching TV in the living room, minding my own business, when the news came on. Behind the reporter you could clearly see an muddy road with a lot of holes ( maybe I should mention that this happened in Poland, roads like that are nothing uncommon, Poles will understand ;)...), but the funny thing was, that the actual 'road' has been stolen, the asphalt has been stolen! I mean, how the fuck do you thieve the asphalt from a road? ASPHALT FROM A FUCKING ROAD!?! And then it got even better: The reporter shew other cases, in which other, rather unusual things, got robbed. Example? A bridge or even a 3 tanks! I mean, seriously, who steals asphalt from a road? :D

Sis:"See, mom, that's what people from Poland do, that's what Polish nationals do, you are one, too"
Mum: "But you were born and raised in Poland"
Mum:*laughing harder*

Btw: A part of this song was actually play in the background :D Can't believe it :D
(It's Polish, but one of the lines says: A Pole will rob you, a pole will get you :D)

                                                        Heard about the boys' new tattoos?

Greetings :)

piątek, 12 października 2012

So proud of them!

Not bad Pepsi, not bad...

Drew Brees, The new sixth member of One Direction 

Haven't been posting anything in a long time now, sorry, but due to school I have a social life again (and actually it isn't that bad, or it shouldn't be that bad :D)

So I'm sure that everyone already heard this and watched the video at least a hundred times, but, oh well, here it is once again: (I have to say, that Louis truly learned his lesson...what did Harry say about the ride in the super cool VW in 'What Makes you beautiful'? Oh, yeah: "We got pulled over for driving too slow"...and in 'LWWY' it looked

(So proud of them!)

And because we all love this song soooo much, here some lines from LWWY:
'I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young


Aaaaaannnnd of course: "You gonna get out of bed then, or what?"

(One of the adventages living in Germany: 2 or 3 Week Holidays every two months :))) Two whole weeks! What a feeling! Yay! :D )

~ S