środa, 1 sierpnia 2012

What a week!

'Ello Loves!

Recently we were visiting my native town. It is just another city with its beautiful and less beautiful sides, just like any other city, too. I know that part of the city (we were in) quite well, or so I thought. Low and behold: I didn't! I found out that there is a confectionery called 'Malik'! :D So I can say, I grew up in a hipster directioner city, which knew Malik before it was cool ;)
After hours of shopping in the mall and failed attempts of mine to be helpful, we got home. My cousin decided to put some make up on my face and as I looked in the mirror I found myself laughing at myself, the make up looked horrible! So why not mess it up a bit more? ;) Eventually we both ended up with 'Harry give me some of your gravy' and 'I <3 wild Liam' (Remember our directioner Granny? That's what she said :D She likes the idea of a wild Liam) written on our foreheads. Besides we got unibrows, beards and some random doodles, followed by strange looks from our families :D But I mean you gotta live hardcore to be hardcore, right? ;)

That's it for now...

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