czwartek, 18 października 2012

Oh, Poland :D

So I was watching TV in the living room, minding my own business, when the news came on. Behind the reporter you could clearly see an muddy road with a lot of holes ( maybe I should mention that this happened in Poland, roads like that are nothing uncommon, Poles will understand ;)...), but the funny thing was, that the actual 'road' has been stolen, the asphalt has been stolen! I mean, how the fuck do you thieve the asphalt from a road? ASPHALT FROM A FUCKING ROAD!?! And then it got even better: The reporter shew other cases, in which other, rather unusual things, got robbed. Example? A bridge or even a 3 tanks! I mean, seriously, who steals asphalt from a road? :D

Sis:"See, mom, that's what people from Poland do, that's what Polish nationals do, you are one, too"
Mum: "But you were born and raised in Poland"
Mum:*laughing harder*

Btw: A part of this song was actually play in the background :D Can't believe it :D
(It's Polish, but one of the lines says: A Pole will rob you, a pole will get you :D)

                                                        Heard about the boys' new tattoos?

Greetings :)

piątek, 12 października 2012

So proud of them!

Not bad Pepsi, not bad...

Drew Brees, The new sixth member of One Direction 

Haven't been posting anything in a long time now, sorry, but due to school I have a social life again (and actually it isn't that bad, or it shouldn't be that bad :D)

So I'm sure that everyone already heard this and watched the video at least a hundred times, but, oh well, here it is once again: (I have to say, that Louis truly learned his lesson...what did Harry say about the ride in the super cool VW in 'What Makes you beautiful'? Oh, yeah: "We got pulled over for driving too slow"...and in 'LWWY' it looked

(So proud of them!)

And because we all love this song soooo much, here some lines from LWWY:
'I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young


Aaaaaannnnd of course: "You gonna get out of bed then, or what?"

(One of the adventages living in Germany: 2 or 3 Week Holidays every two months :))) Two whole weeks! What a feeling! Yay! :D )

~ S

wtorek, 11 września 2012

Those who do not remember the past...

 My father died at 9-11. After he died I wouldn't go into his room for a year because it was too hard and it made me want to cry. But one day, I put on heavy boots and went in his room anyway. I miss doing taekwondo with him because it always made me laugh. When I went into his closet, where his clothes and stuff were, I reached up to get his old camera. It spun around and dropped about a hundred stairs, and I broke a blue vase! Inside was a key in an envelope with black written on it and I knew that dad left something somewhere for me that the key opened and I had to find. So I take it to Walt, the locksmith. I give it to Stan, the doorman, who tells me keys can open anything. He gave me the phone book for all the five boroughs. I count there are 472 people with the last name black. There are 216 addresses. Some of the blacks live together, obviously. I calculated that if I go to 2 every Saturday plus holidays, minus my hamlet school plays, my minerals, coins, and comic convention, it's going to take me 3 years to go through all of them. But that's what I'm going to do! Go to every single person named black and find out what the key fits and see what dad needed me to find. I made the very best possible plan but using the last four digits of each phone number, I divide the people by zones. I had to tell my mother another lie, because she wouldn't understand how I need to go out and find what the key fits and help me make sense of things that don't even make sense like him being killed in the building by people that didn't even know him at all! And I see some people who don't speak English, who are hiding, one black said that she spoke to God. If she spoke to god how come she didn't tell him not to kill her son or not to let people fly planes into buildings and maybe she spoke to a different god than them! And I met a man who was a woman who a man who was a woman all at the same time and he didn't want to get hurt because he/she was scared that she/he was so different. And I still wonder if she/he ever beat up himself, but what does it matter? 
This (quite long) excerpt was adapted from
~Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close~ by Jonathan Safran Foer

Today, eleven years ago, hundres of lifes were taken away. With each of them a history vanished, and a future died. But we may not forget, that lifes are taken away everyday, it happens all around the world, out of reasons we will never know.

In Memoriam

        ...are condemned to repeat it.

                  ~George Santayana


sobota, 25 sierpnia 2012

środa, 22 sierpnia 2012

Wampir w rodzinie...

Ostatnio nasza biedna ciocia dowiedziała się, że jest w związku z najprawdziwszym wampirem! Współczujemy jej z całego serca... Ale nie mamy dla niej dobrych wiadomości... Dowiedziałam się, że w miejscowości w której mieszka, akurat na tej samej ulicy był kiedyś cmentarz... Co 100 lat straszą tam umarlaki... Droga ciociu, jeżeli to czytasz to powinnaś wiedzieć jeszcze o tym, że przed nawiedzaniem duchy wysyłają zza światów WAMPIRA!!!!! Wiedz o tym, że współczujemy ci z całego serca... A i jeszcze jedno - nie odwiedzaj nas w najbliższym czasie, bo nie chcemy, żeby ta straszna klątwa spadła również na nas...

wtorek, 7 sierpnia 2012

Just another surprise :D

After a directioner granny, and a directioner City comes another surprise: I found out, that a family member of mine had been married to a Pakistani with the (last) name Malik once! (But seriously: Why didn't I know that?) :D
I was born into a really unique family :D
Btw...have you seen this already? ;)
(--> Picture below)


środa, 1 sierpnia 2012

What a week!

'Ello Loves!

Recently we were visiting my native town. It is just another city with its beautiful and less beautiful sides, just like any other city, too. I know that part of the city (we were in) quite well, or so I thought. Low and behold: I didn't! I found out that there is a confectionery called 'Malik'! :D So I can say, I grew up in a hipster directioner city, which knew Malik before it was cool ;)
After hours of shopping in the mall and failed attempts of mine to be helpful, we got home. My cousin decided to put some make up on my face and as I looked in the mirror I found myself laughing at myself, the make up looked horrible! So why not mess it up a bit more? ;) Eventually we both ended up with 'Harry give me some of your gravy' and 'I <3 wild Liam' (Remember our directioner Granny? That's what she said :D She likes the idea of a wild Liam) written on our foreheads. Besides we got unibrows, beards and some random doodles, followed by strange looks from our families :D But I mean you gotta live hardcore to be hardcore, right? ;)

That's it for now...

wtorek, 24 lipca 2012

A real Directioner...

It was only a coincidence, but a funny one! OUR GRANDMA IS A GREATER DIRECTIONER THAN US!
We talked with her (about the boys) for hours! Her favourite lad is Harry ;) So we asked her, if she wanted some of Harry's gravy, but she only said, that she wouldn't know, where to put it :D
She said that Liam was a wild one :D And she told us one of her dirty little secrets: She loves Harry's four nipples. We found out , that her breasts are so big, because there are not two, but 4 breasts hiding behint her bra :D

czwartek, 12 lipca 2012

Do you know the feeling, when...

... a little detail in your life changes, really nothing major, and it turns out to be a huge change(-over)?
That moment when you are afraid of losing someone so much that in the end you only drift apart?  When you're always waiting for that call to make you feel better,to let it all out, to talk things out, but as soon as you pick up the phone you have nothing more left to say? That a certain point you're hiding behint your words? And there's nothing more you can do about? You know, there are things that are always there, which are there to show us, that we have the chance to start all over again. Like the rising sun, which anounces a new day, letting the night behint, giving new hope. Anouncing a new start. But  the world likes to turn things upside-down, to turn things counter clockwise, doesn't it?

Something random: Do you know 'Vintage Trouble'? If you don't you should look them up, you won't regret it.

♪♫ Hold a hand. Cry on a shoulder.
Listen in the wind and open up your eyes.
And feel again.
Feel again. ♪♫

Here's a picture that always makes me crack up  (I've laughed propably more than I should have :D)

Regards from Germany

wtorek, 26 czerwca 2012

Now it's official

...Summer holidays have begun...for me :D
Got my certificate last Thursday, now I have to get through with some stuff at my new school.
Our graduation was quite unorganized and chaotic, but that's just the way my year was :)
I was hoping for the best but expecting the worst, and have to admit that it was a graduation worth remembering ;)

A picture of the wall where all our names are perpetuated is attached. Looks nice, doesn't it? (Note that this was pure Irony & Sarcasm).

6 years have passed so fast. Now a new adventure with it's ups and downs, new classmates, new fights & friendships, new subjects, new teachers and loads of stress are awaiting. But I mean, hey, having at least five more years of education isn't that bad...I mean after all I survied 10 years of school already :)

This is where the chapter ends
And new one out begins
Time has come for letting go
The hardest part is when you know

All of these years when we were here are ending
But I'll always remember

We have had the time of our lives
And now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget the faces left behind...

- Love S

niedziela, 17 czerwca 2012

Funny story, part 2 czyli Jak poznałam Zasraną Lindę

No dobrze...(linda to ta jedna co wylazi z telewizora...dlatego telewizor u mnie do sciany jest obrucony, zeby nie umiala wylesc).moi dziadkowie utopili ja w studni pod domem w ktorym teraz mieszkam...niebyli chorymi ludzi...tylko byli szaleni na tym punkcie.mnie jak bylam mala probowali w kiblu utopic.A tam gowno plywalo bo dziadek srake mial... Potem tygodnie ludzie mnie mijali , no i to jeszcze bardziej denerwowalo dziadkow .Musialam gadac ze skunks mnie w zoo obsikal...a w szkole wszyscy z klamerka na nosie lazili bo taki smrud niemilosierny byl.teraz sie boje, bo ja widze w lustrze (i nie: wygladam dosc dobrze, jeste pewna ze to nie ja!).Raz na kiblu siedze a tam ona sie pokazuje...ale nie umuem sie z nia porozumiec...ale wierz mi to byl obciach. taka srake w tedy mialam, a ona tu wlazi bez pukania.wystraszyla mnie...jakby uprzedzila to bym w odswiezacz powietrza zainwestowala...
  • Moer by cos pomoglo...
  • Co sobie o mnie musiala pomyslec...nic dziwnego ze znikla... 
    • pozniej sie znowu pojawila i znikla, pojawila i znikla
    • i zaczelam spiewac'pojawiasz sie i znikasz i znikasz i znikasz. ja mam na tobie bzika mam bzika mam bzika'. 
      Myslisz ze to przez ten smrod, ze tylko sprawdzala czy heszcze smierdzi?szukam ksiecia z bajki zeby mnie przed linda ratowal... nie musi miec konia... ale dobrym autem nie pogardze ;D tylko takie szybkie zeby linda nie dogonila. i bez lusterek i na baterie, zeby z baku nie wylazla... i niech bd jasno. ona nie lubi jasnych rzeczy.ona lubi mokre klimaty, to najlepiej zeby w majty nie sikal.
      • i linda smazy na sniadanie moje lalki 
      • na obiad pluszowe misie a na kolacje...
      • pali moje perfumy...i snie o lindzie ze ze sb gadamy...

I'm back!

...from Italy. Visited Lucca, Siena and Florence. This little guy walked past me in Siena, he's sweet, isn't he?

Every day was different with much fun, sun but also fights. Had good but also bad days. The town I was in reminded me of Poland. Why? It looked like the small villages in Poland with its stores, houses and lifestyle (but the roads had no holes) :D
Had a horrible room, though. I couldn't even close the bathroom door!
The conversations with the people there were funny, too. They spoke hardly English and I don't speak Italian...

But the beach was amazing...And If you ask me the sky looked much more beautiful than here in Germany.

But all in all I will never forget this class trip, reminding me of my class mates I was stuck in a class for the past 6 years.

But I'm more than glad being back home :)

Peace out

sobota, 9 czerwca 2012

Hey there :)

This week our town is the host for the annually 'Hessentage'. These are 10 days, where people from all over Hesse come to visit a city or town to have fun, it's a (not so old) tradition. The purpose is to get more guests throughout the year. And of course among the attractions there are always some concerts. So yesterday I was at a Lenny Kravitz concert and it was great! Even though it rained a bit. His foreacts 'Vintage Trouble' and 'Dick Brave&The Backbeats' (look them up, if you don't know them, you won't regret it ;)) were really great, too. There was a boy quite similar to Niall...but I mean I thougt I saw Queen Elisabeth II. :D

Have to go get my baggage done. Going to Italy tomorrow.

Lenny :)
Niall :)

Greetings from Germany :)

piątek, 8 czerwca 2012

No siemka directioners!

Po dłuuugich oczekiwaniach wreszcie założyłyśmy bloga :). Może zaczniemy od pewnej bardzo funny history :D. Więc tak: nadszedl dlugo oczekiwany majowy weekend. wreszcie pojechalam na upragniona wycieczke... lecialam samolotem...
kolomnie przysiadlo sie 5 zakapturzonych panow. strasznie sie przestraszylam... 'kto to?'-pomyslalam. zaraz, zaraz... tozto1D! 
prawie zemdlalam! 
  • Lou siedzial najblizej mnie... w pewnym momencie zaczal sie rozbierac, a skrepowana ja wgl niee wiedzialam co mam poczac..
  • podroz w samolocie minela mi szybko, bylo tak goraca ze latalam w samym staniku i majteczkach pozyczoonych od pilota bo sie zesikalam jak Lou sie rozbieral
mieszkalam w hotelu obok chłopców

bylam krotko ale wprzed dzien mojego odlotu Lou zaprosil mnie do restauracji
myslalam ze nigdy tego nie zrobi na reszcie! doczekalam sie tego pieknego dnia. ide na swoja pierwsza randke, i to w dodatku z chlopakiem! no ja nie wytrzymam. dalej mam na sb bokserki od pilota, mysle ze i tym razem przyniosa mi szczescie...
LOu zabral mnie do takiej ekskluzywnej, zero gwiazdkowej restauracji... mmmm bylo tak romantycznie... nadal podniecam sie kiedy przypomne sb ten jego smiech... mmm
Lou wyskoczyl ze mna do jednogwiazdkowego baru po cos do picia. kupilismy picie i wrocilismy do restauracji
okazalo sie ze whisky bylo zamalo i Lou dokupil jeszcze piwo... alkohol sie skonczyl a my chcilismy balowac dalej...
dobrze ze Lou mial znajomego kelnera co zalatwil nam cygara
spalilismy chyba z 10 (kazdy )
(i sie nie udusilam!) normalnie bym tego nie zrobila, ale jego usmiech mial taka magie...nie moge powiedziec co to bylo ale - bralo mi w prost oddech. no i juz bylam na haju... chyba o to mu chodzilo ;(
<zanosi sie placzem>
pewnie w twojej malutkiej glowce rodzi sie jedno, jedyne pytanie... co on mi zrobil...?  czemu nikt mi nie pomogl... moze dla tego ze bylam uhlana...  wyczekal odpowiedni moment... bylam juz prawie nieprzytomna...
wzial mnie na plecy i zaniosl na smietnik... wyszlismy tylnimi drzwiami... ta ulica byla taka ciemna i pusta... wygladala jak ta w 'Zakochanym kundlu'...
myslalam ze idziemy spowrotem...byl taki slodki, jak sie ze mna wczesniej obchodzil.
brutalnie mnie zgwalcil, zespermil mi sie 10 razy na twarz, kazal zywic sie jego nasieniem... jeszcze gdyby tego bylo malo kazal mi przy tym wszystkim krzyczec "tak panie Tomlinson'.a ja? ja to robilam. robilam. gralam.nie moge powiedziec ze mi sie nie podobalo...ale nie tak
bylam prawie nieprzytomna .  spuscil mi sie chyba z 5 razy... no wiesz gdzie...a ja myslalam ze ma klase
boje sie ze doszlo do zaplodnienia!tak mi przykro...mi i tez jego...nie musial tak nisko isc aby dostac to co chce